Alex Konanykhin, CEO of TransparentBusiness, said he decided to reach out directly to accredited investors by purchasing ads in financial publications.

has drawn backing from Fortune 500 executives through a relatively new type of securities offering called 506(c) as part of an effort to raise $10 million this year.
Resumen de la biografía de bill gates software#
a New York-based software startup called TransparentBusiness Inc. Social Impacts and Social Equity in Transport Workshop Series. "Social networks, travel and talk." The British Journal of Sociology no. "Education and the New Imperialism." Comparative Education no. "You want creative capitalism? Try this." In Creative Capitalism.Ĭonversations with Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and others, edited by Michael Kinsley, 195-196. "The age of responsabilization: on market-embedded morality." Economy and Society no. In Havard Business Review Blog Network: Havard Business Review. Invest in Communities to Advance Capitalism. Public Education and Venture Philanthropy. "Political Power Beyond the State: Problematics of Government." British Journal of Sociology no. "Governing "advanced" liberal democracies." In Foucault and Political Reason: Liberalism, Neo-Liberalism and Rationalities of Government, edited by Andrew Barry, Thomas Osborne and Nikolas S. "Why philanthro-policymaking matters." Soc no. "The new governance: Governing without government." Political Studies no. "Making global rules: globalisation or neoliberalisation?" In Remaking the Global Economy, edited by Jamie Peck and H. The Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller Foundations in the Rise of American Power. "Advocacy networks, choice and private schooling of the poor in India." Global Networks no. "Understanding policy networks: towards a dialectical approach." Political Studies no. Conversations with Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and others. "The rise of governance and the risks of failure: the case of economic development " International social science journal no. "Network Ethnography and the Hypermedia Organization: New Media, New Organizations, New Methods." New Media Society no. Great teachers: attracting, training and retaining the best. "Neoliberalism as Creative Destruction." The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science no. The State and Education Policy: The Academies Programme. "Researching academies in England." Management in Education no. Gunter, H., Philip Woods, and Glenys Woods. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. The Government of the Self and others: Lectures at the College de France 1982- 1983. "Governmentality." Ideology and Conciousness no. ""Philanthrocapitalism" and its limits." International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law no.

"Chains and networks, territories and scales: towards a relational framework for analysing the global economy." Global Networks no. Kelly, Kris Olds, and Henry Wai-Chung Yeung. Building the Big Society.ĭicken, Peter, Philip F. Silver Bullets, Grand Challenges and the New Philanthropy. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.īrooks, S., M. "Hidden privatisation in public education." In: Education International.īishop, Matthew, and Michael Green.

"Global Social Capitalism: using enterprise to solve the problems of the world." Citizenship, Social and Economics Education no.

Bristol: The Policy Press.īall, Stephen J., and Antonio Olmedo. London: Routledge.īall, Stephen J., and Carolina Junemann. New Policy Networks and the Neoliberal Imaginary. Education Plc: Understanding Private Sector Participation in Public Sector Education. "The teacher‘s soul and the terrors of performativity." Journal of Education Policy no. The Foundaitons at Home and Abroad, edited by Robert F. "Introduction." In Philanthropy and Cultural Imperialism.